Orientation and Coordination Course 2021 – Ministry of Health

Orientation and Coordination Course 2021 - Ministry of Health
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Recruitment of Graduates for the Orientation and Coordination Courses of the Service of Professions Supplementary to Medicine – 2021 (Download Gazette & Application)

Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka

Applications are called from eligible Sri Lankan citizen who possess a Degree obtain from a university recognized by the University Grants Commission, for the recruitment to the following Orientation and Coordination courses of the Service of Professions Supplementary to Medicine of Ministry of Health.

Orientation and Coordination Course

  1. Medical Laboratory Technologist
  2. Pharmacist
  3. Radiographer
  4. Physiotherapist
  5. Occupational Therapist

Age Limit : 18 – 35

Download Gazette Notice(PDF)
Tamil | Sinhala | English
Application form will be updated soon!!
Source : Gazette 2021-06-11
Closing Date : 2021-06-25