Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Part-Time) 2020/22

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Part Time) PGDE
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University of Jaffna – Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Part Time) Course 2020/22

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)

யாழ் பல்கலைக்கழக பகுதிநேர பட்டப்பின் கல்வி டிப்ளோமா கற்கை நெறிக்கான விண்ணப்பங்கள் கோரப்படுகிறது

Applications are invited for the above course from those who possess undermentioned qualifications.

Qualifications to enter the course :

  • A graduate from reputed university and should have age below 50 on closing date of application.

NB: In selecting for the course, preference will be given to those employed in the teaching staff of a Govt.School/ Constituted Educational Institute/Govt or Private Sector Reputed Educational Institute.


Applicants are requested to send the prescribed application form downloaded from the university website with the receipt obtained for the sum of Rs.1,000.00 credited to the Peoples Bank account No. 162-1-001-8-0000902 of the University of Jaffna.

Course fee:

  • Rs.40.000.00(inclusive of all charges)

Mode of selection: 

  • Written test (General knowledge and Educational Proficiency) and Interview

Final date of receiving application:

  • on or before 22.01.2021

Selected candidates should get transfer to a school within 25 kilometer from University of Jaffna and should submit the letter of transfer on the date of registration for the course.

Perfected application should be sent by Registered post to the Deputy Registrar, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna, Jaffna. The course name should be written on the top left hand corner of the envelope.

Applicants from the Govt.School/constituted educational institute/Govt or Private Sector reputed Educational Institute should channel their application through the Principal/Head of respective Institutions.

Incomplete and illegible applications and applications received after the closing date will be rejected without intimation.

University of Jaffna

பத்திரிகை அறிவித்தல்
(Paper Notice)

Download Notice
விண்ணப்ப படிவம்
(Application Form)

Download Form
Closing Date : 22.01.2021
University Web Link